Monday, January 17, 2005


I found this useful information about fedora that i didnt know
perhaps is something very known but i didnt know it.

enjoy ...

Fedora Linux Installation: "
/boot: the kernel boot files
/etc: configuration files
/dev: device files
/lib: basic dynamic libaries ('.so'), the kernel modules
/proc: process information
/bin: system programs
/sbin: system programs which don't use dynamic libraries
/tmp: world writeable for temporary files
/usr: the bulk of the software
/usr/local: additional software not installed through packages /var: apache web server, user mail, ...
/home: user accounts
/root: the home directory for root

Whenever a command in prefixed by $, it is meant to be executed by a non-root user, when prefixed by a # it is meant to be executed by root.

startx -- :1 (start your X manager on DISPLAY window 1)

Also, to run kdm and not gdm one have to change
vi /etc/sysconfig/desktop

i found out reading the code in
vi /etc/X11/prefdm

and to make it work, the system must be rebooted
well maybe it can be simpler than that but i dont know
what to do (i even did init 1 init 5 and it didnt change),
theres so many things to learn in unix
i am just a kid in all this

Happy Hacking

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